Apelle-moi se tu te perdes

Jayla Ladson

“I love seeing things and trying to challenge myself and help myself grow by recreating things I am very inspired by. I feel it really helps me grow in my craft. My motive was to try and create a French film fantasy inspired by one of my favorite albums of 2022 which is Call Me If You Get Lost by Tyler, The Creator. I also wanted to bring some of what it looks like in my head on my good days. I love all things bright, colorful and vibrant, things that make you feel like a breath of fresh air and something that felt like this song, so for me this is what the outcome was and I love it.”

— Jayla Ladson

Jayla Ladson

Jayla Ladson

Jayla Ladson is a 22 year old photographer that just started in 2022 and a business owner of a clothing brand called Jay Yenom. She goes to UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) for photography and loves being creative within all her work!

Upcoming Projects: I have another dystopian like project and a dream like project I’ve been working on and I’m excited to share it!

Instagram: @Yenomsphotos



