The ABC's of Being Lost at Sea
Jordan de la Garza
Abroad in a foreign sea
A wave crashes over me
Breathing water instead of air
Blinded by my billowing hair
Clawing faithfully for the sky
Coughing loudly in the dry
Drifting away from a crowded boat
Damned to a fate of sink or float
Every blessed breath in a burning throat
Eternity to be spent in the sea remote
Far away from my mother’s eye
Fighting the childish urge to cry
God knows my tears will join the sea
Gathering in salty comradery
Having not been the Ocean’s first
Her waves will welcome me fully immersed
Into the deep where my toes can’t touch
Idle limbs will lead to such
Just my luck to fall overboard
Jarring joke to be endured
Keep my chin up to work it out
Kick the water, try not to shout
Looking to the east then to the west
Lingering in the water, no time to rest
Must pray for mercy and make my way
Maybe my heavy legs will still obey
Not a sound but the Ocean’s sigh
Nothing more than water and sky
Once chosen path, a compass lack
Only forward, no turning back
Paddle straight and paddle hard
Possible escape from the sea unscarred
Quaking breaths keep uneven beat
Quenching air tastes bittersweet
Reality chills me to the bone
Racing heart in the sea alone
Some savior might not come my way
Salty seas kill within the day
Treading water until they fail
Two legs form into a tail
Under the water, the sirens call
Unknown depths for me to fall
Venture deeper into the new
Vanish slowly from the girl I once knew
Wonder what will become of me
Watery life is a mystery
X marks the spot where I fell in
X’actly who I had once been
Yellow light filters through
Yawning mouth of the Ocean’s blue
Zenith passed, my life underway
Zealous hope, show me the way