
Kira Kramer

Love in a technological age feels both closer and further than it ever has before

I do not mourn the distance in between your hand carried letters

Nor do I learn how to wait in between your words 

I know we are always connected 

Connected by a line of service that joins one home to another

One continent to next 

Your presence that can now be sent at the speed of light feels light years away

It’s not just that you manage to be always with me but never near

It’s that whenever I see your words I feel them 

I hear 

Like Pavlov’s pet at the sound of a chiming bell 

I feel that double pulse vibration in my wrist 

Akin to a heartbeat 

A tell 

You tell me how you feel, I can’t resist 

Memorizing the way the notif 

Ingrains a petroglyph 

When I look down to view it I always hope that it’s you 

So that I may feel the rush I’ve grown so accustomed to 

I find it hard to sit in solitude. 

In your typed tidings I found my refuge 

Texts to remind me that I found solace 

In a never ending sea of technological prowess 

Connecting me to you and you to me 

In a computer generated symphony 

The ebb and flow of time has not changed. 

Yet I don’t think I’ll ever be the same 

After I don’t see and feel your name 

Glowing, on my high-tech window pane

Kira Kramer

Kira Kramer

While Kira is not a regular poetry writer, there are days where she find pockets of peace, and the words manage find her. She hopes that you can enjoy them. She is a third year Public Health student at UNLV, and in her free time she enjoys gardening, baking, and reading. 

Instagram: @kira.kramer


On Living in Las Vegas
